Saturday, November 5, 2011

Stephen's Dwarf Treasure Hunter Warband for Mordheim

Hi folks. Here's some pics of my son Stephen's Dwarf Treasure Hunter Warband, The Mordheim Pickers. (Tongue in cheek reference to the History Channel show, "American Pickers", about a couple of guys who search for junk treasure.)
Pics below show Brundi, the Noble and Leader.
 I think he did a great job on the shield in the pic below.
Pics below are the Engineer, Ivan

A couple of Slayers below

Firebeard, a Thunderer Hero

Some Henchmen below

 I really like the arrows through the shield. Time for a new one, I think.

Last one below is the Halfling Cook, Emeril. It says"Bam" on his helmet. :)

That's all of them. They need some work on the bases but I think he did really well with the paintjobs. Thanks for looking.


  1. I am partial to dwarves, and these tough looking troops look like they can hold their own both in the heat of battle, and in the Boar's Tooth Tavern! Nice job!

  2. Hi, Jay. Thanks. Those are tough dwarves. In my last battle with them they wore me down so low I finally to voluntarily route. I just couldn't kill them and with such a high lead they wouldn't run.
