Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dirty Mordheim

Sorry, didn't mean to get your hopes up. :) I just meant I added weathering to the Mordheim buildings. Several people suggested I dirty up the buildings some, so I took their advice. I'm glad I did. The weathering makes a big difference. I just used some black washes and some Doc O'Brien Weathering powders and then sealed them with a matte clear acrylic spray sealer. I also added some barricades, barrels, and furnishings as suggested by other posters. Please keep the ideas and comments coming folks. They've been hugely helpful and are much appreciated. Now for pics:

 Pic below is a slightly better shot of the canal
Some of the buildings after weathering. Mainly I did black washes around windows and doors to simulate black soot left behind from smoke pouring out of the doors and windows while the building was burning. Also blackened all of the broken wall edges and most floor boards. I alos added various weathering powders, mainly close to the ground to represent dirt that's been splashed up onto the lower walls.

 The building below also has muddy brown weathering powder added to corners of the plaster near the timbers.

 Pic below shows some of the muddy brown as well as mildew green powders added to the stairs.

 Pic below is The Mordheim Arms after some weathering. It had the muddy brown added to the lower portion of the ground floor walls and some rusty red powder added below the lanterns.

 The pic below shows weathering with the black for windows, doors and wall edges, and use of muddy brown powder at the bottom of the walls, with some mildew green powder for moss or mold.

Pic below is entitled "Thou Shall Not Pass Pass"
Skaven Plague Priest holding off a couple of Reiklanders.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for looking. I do appreciate your comments. I haven't been able to comment back because Blogger is giving me error messages when I try to reply to your comments. Iam reading them and appreciate you taking the time to post. Right now some Blogger glitch is keeping me posting comments anywhere. Anyone know a solution?

Next up is a couple of ramps I made for minis to access the platforms and a pending post/review about the GameCraft Miniatures Modular 28mm Gothic Ruins I recently received. Plus, the Postal Carrier was good to me and delivered a GW Garden of Morr I won on e-bay. You know that will feature prominently on this board soon.


  1. Good job, Joe, on the construction of the entire village. The weathering does work good by drawing all of the elements of the town into a nice visual whole.

  2. A lovely set up...very nice buildings!!!!

  3. Nice work, especially on the canal.

  4. Hi, folks. Thanks very much for the kind remarks. I appreciate the encouragement.

  5. Great layout. Great terrain makes for great games!

  6. Hi, SJ. Tahnks. We still have yet to get a game in, though. :(

  7. WOW, probably the best table I have ever seen! I very like it! I will follow your model for my future Mordheim's table.
